Saturday 28 May 2011

BIG BROTHER AFRICA:Tension in the House

Vina, Confidence, Bernadine, Hanni and Sharon O are on edge right now as none of them knows who will be kicked of the Big Brother Amplified show tomorrow (Sunday).

Incidentally, the head of the house used her power to save Hanni from possible eviction and replaced her with Michael, the ladies man, who doesn’t even have the slightest feeling he would go.

Nigeria’s Vina is ‘dying’ for Lomwe, who seems to be attracted to Hanni.

Just before midnight on Tuesday evening, Confidence and Hanni sat outside and told Vina not to allow herself to be used by Lomwe in his effort to make Hanni jealous.

They were of the opinion that his affection for Vina was not genuine, but a ploy to get her sympathy and play the game into his hands.

The girls told Vina to draw a line and make Lomwe know where her loyalty lies. Confidence reiterated the fact that if Vina fell for Lomwe’s charms, she could find herself in a very awkward situation.

Hanni said it was obvious to her that Lomwe flirting with Vina in front of her was just his way of being in control of the situation, knowing that Vina likes him and might jump at the opportunity of dating him after Hanni rejected him.

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